Dan Kalb is running for California State District 9.

Dan claims he has accomplished a lot of things, but the truth is, he has been extremely ineffective. He has taken his Rockridge/Temescal district in Oakland from a reasonably safe, desirable place to live to one of crime, lawlessness, and filth. It has gotten so bad that an increasing number of the residences of Dan’s District 1 are demanding help. They have asked for help via meetings, emails, calls to Dan and his office, but to no real avail.

When asked for help on key issues, if he or his office reply at all, they pass the blame onto others but say they are working on getting it fixed/making it better.

        He helped get an encampment ordnance passed, but then would not enforce it, even in his own back yard - where he lives.
        He says "call my office and set up a meeting" but they don't respond.
        He says, when asked for help, "call 311" or "report it on the website https://seeclickfix.com/us-ca-oakland"

This is from an actual email Dan sent to those complaining about a serious issue on 51st Street:

        We are aware of this problem and have contacted the 311 staff to ask for assistance and find out when it will be dealt with.
       -DAN KALB
       Oakland City Councilmember, District #1
        One Frank Ogawa Plaza, 2nd floor
       Oakland, CA 94612

Here is another example of a response when asked for cleaning up a crime site. Instead of any help, he pushed it back on the resident asking for help. (Note this resident and other in Temescal and Rockridge had already filed reports and made call - with no action being taken:

       Dan and I drove by the RV parked at 51st and Manila tonight. It does look bad. If you want to bring it to the city’s attention you should file a report on the “see click fix” or “oak311” website.

Emails and Calls To Dan's Staff and to Dan

Dan and his office are unresponsive. Here are some specific examples:
       The form for signing up for District 1 Councilmember Dan Kalb's Newsletter says it is no longer accepting responses.
Calling the person listed on Dan's Councilman's website Mathew Malton produces no response.
       Calling and emailing these people produced no results, not even an email reply
       • Constituent issues in Rockridge, Piedmont Ave, Grand Lake/Rose Garden: Keara O'Doherty | kodoherty@oaklandca.gov | 510-238-7014
       • Constituent issues in Bushrod, Mosswood, Temescal, Adams Point: Seth Steward | ssteward@oaklandca.gov | 510-238-7013

This is clearly NOT what he claims on his website.

Dan Needs to Address the Real Issues with Specific Ordinances/Effective Legislature Dan promises, "I will never give up taking on the big issues to make life better for you, your family and everyone in our communities." It isn't about not giving up. It is about fixing what needs to be fixed.

Enforcing the laws and ordinances of Oakland is a very big issue. He is afraid to enforce the key ones.

Dan says great things, he puts in long hours, and he tries hard. But he is ineffective. He may be great working with the Sierra Club, or climate change. But stolen cars, assaults, broken windows, car thefts, illegal guns, missing license plates, illegal parking, and trash - he is worthless.

He claims to be helping with the homeless issue, but his answer to illegally parked homeless vehicles is "I can't do anything, they are homeless."

He has not figured out how to get laws enforced, he has not figured out how to improve safety.

Oakland has become the joke of California and of the whole US. Oakland is embarrassing. Oakland has always had some issues, all cities do. But Oakland has gone downhill in the last few years, during Dan Kalb's terms in office. Of course, Dan can't fix all the issues facing Oakland, but he should be doing a better job as a Councilman.

DO NOT vote for or support Dan Kalb for State Senate. He as a proven record of being all talk and no action for getting results, that is, getting the laws enforced. He has proven to be ineffective in using his office for stopping the downward spiral Oakland is in.

Dan Kalb's Promises on his Website:

Taken from his website: https://www.dankalb.net/

       "I work hard every day to solve challenges that some feel are almost impossible to overcome. That’s what leadership and commitment mean to me. That’s why I’ll never give up taking on the big issues to make life better for you, your family and everyone in our communities.''

       "If you know me well, you know that I am not afraid to lead the charge for change."

       "I have spent my entire professional career in the Bay Area as an environmental and social justice advocate and public servant, leading efforts to protect our environment and combat climate change, increase affordable housing, fight for clean money elections, create livable, walkable neighborhoods, and promote social justice, access to good-paying jobs and universal access to health care."

Dan Kalb's Solutions:

Dan certainly has been unable to make livable areas in his Temescal/Rockridge areas. He has not created walkable neighborhoods. These areas are crime ridden areas, trash filled, laws not enforced.

Ask Dan for help on real issues and he says, "I can't help on that, but call 311 or Public Works or "see/click/fix". 311 and "see/click/fix" are examples of ineffective tools.

Dan also appears at public meetings and is willing to meet with individuals. But his solution is "we are aware of that, we are working on that, but we can't solve it, we can't enforce the existing laws that are on the books, our hands are tied. So call another department, another number".

What Dan Kalb Should Have Been Doing
        1. Explaining to his constituents what ordinances and laws he has gotten approved and what he is working on.
        2. Explaining what he can and cannot do - he is here to pass laws, not get them enforced. His constituents don't know that.
        3. Explaining to his constituents what they should be doing to get the laws enforced, not just say "my hands are tied" or "call 311"
        4. Monitoring his staff to make sure they do what they are supposed to do - respond to requests
        5. Checking that 311 works - so not just get a busy signal or after leaving message, nothing happens
        6. Checking to see that "the neighborhood beat officers" are they doing are supposed to be doing. Don't just say "talk to your beat officer. Need to follow up. "
        7. Get back to people asking for Dan's help.
        8. Telling his constituents why it is that his hands are tied.


Specific Example of Where Dan Kalb did not do his job and it caused people to get hurt, robberies to be committed and cars stolen.

        About 500 feet from where Dan lives in Rockridge, there was an RV with no license plates and illegally parked. He was made aware of that and he said "call 311"
        He was told that the police would not do anything because someone was living in the RV.
        He was told that the people in the RV were committing crimes and did nothing.
        He was told that the police, when responding to a report of a stolen car and where shown the exact location of the people who stole the car where would not do anything because someone was living in the RV. Yes, the police, knowing who the criminals were and where they were would not do it "because they are homeless"
        Dan was make aware of the juveniles living in the van were accosting people and stealing cars, and he did nothing.

Dan is not supposed to arrest people or prosecute them, but to ignore the pleas for help from the local residents and not do anything to help seems negligent.

When the police finally arrested the juveniles in the RV, Dan went on TV and said it was horrible what they did. It is even worse what Dan did - he did nothing. It seems clear he can't get along with OPD, the DA, and the Mayor's office to get this taken care of before it got out of hand. Where was Dan when he knows about all this and did nothing?

After the juveniles were arrested and the arrests and crimes well publicized on TV and newspapers, Dan will hold a meeting. Sounds great, but poorly publicized, no agenda, not real purpose of the meeting other than the typically vague comment, "to address the issues of crime and violence" but with nothing specif offered on how to address the issues - other than "I'm here to listen"

Additional Examples of Not Getting Back to People

Dan Kalb has not addressed any key issue with solutions that actually get implemented. And if he can't get the job done in his own back yard, he certainly can't at a State level.

Oakland has some big issues to face, issues that they have let go so long that they appear like they cant be solved. Dan has not been doing his share to help get them solved. Dan alone can fix the issues, but he has to pull his weight, he has to introduce propositions and ordinances that can be enforced - he has not done that. And it is a big part of the problem. Being the a State Senator will only make things worse because the state need a strong, effective State Senator.

Dan knows how to look good and say the right things, he has worked hard and he is trying his best. But that isn't enough to warrant his being elected as a State Senator.

The State Senate desperately needs help. But it is clearly not Dan Kalb. He is definitely not a person who can help get done what needs to be done. He is afraid to stand up and fight, he is not a person who can figure out how to solve issues, and he just can't get things enforced.

What Dan Told CBS News About His Running For State Senate
Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/campaign-2024-oakland-councilmember-dan-kalb-seeks-state-senate-seat-nancy-skinner/

       Kalb believes he has the background and knowledge to carry on Skinner's work, especially her work on the environment.
       Skinner has long been an advocate for the environment, Kalb said, and he can be a true long-time leader on environmental issues.
Yes, Dan has worked with the Sierra Club and and the Union of Concerned Scientists engaging full-time for the existential battle that is upon us: climate change. But that is NOT what District 9 needs. He is not who District 9 needs. (Source: https://www.dankalb.net/)

District 9 needs someone who can deal with the nuances of the complex issues of crime prevention, dumping, litter, encampents, illegal structures, speeding, guns, looting. It needs someone who can craft clear and effictive legeslation to get actionable results for creating safe, livable neighborhoods.

When Dan lists what he is good at, what he lists should tip voters off to the fact that he is not what Oakland or the State needs right now: (Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/campaign-2024-oakland-councilmember-dan-kalb-seeks-state-senate-seat-nancy-skinner/)

       Kalb believes he has the background and knowledge to carry on Skinner's work, especially her work on the environment.
       Skinner has long been an advocate for the environment, Kalb said, and he can be a true long-time leader on environmental issues.
       Kalb studied natural resource conservation in college. Following college, he worked at several environmental organizations such as the League of Conservation Voters, the Sierra Club and the Union of Concerned Scientists where he wrote legislation.
       As an Oakland City Councilmember, he has also written legislation such as a Charter law to create the independent civilian Police Commission and the law that requires all new buildings be all-electric.
       He also has led the effort to ban the handling and storage of coal in Oakland.
       Kalb wants to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the state and reduce air pollution. He said some places in California have some of the worst air quality in the nation

Dan Kalb Does Not Appear to Have The Skills Needed Now for California and District 9

The Oakland Police Department, the Assistant DAs, Public Works all are getting mixed signals regarding what laws to enforce and are confused about what they have to do to not get fired versus following fuzzy rules/requirments. District 9 (Note: Nancy Skinner seems to represent District 9 https://sd09.senate.ca.gov/ ) needs someone to effectively deal with the issue the people have voted for as being the key issues to address: Crime and Safety. The Sierra Club and environment are important, but not what Oakland needs to address right now.

Dam Kalb isn't coming up with solutions to address the key issues now and there is nothing to indicate he will if elected to the State Senate.

Don't Agree? If you feel any of this is untrue, call or email Dan Kalb and see what happens, ask him to defend himself.

       Dan's election office: 5111 Telegraph Ave., #267, Oakland, CA 94609
       Dan's election email: dankalbstatesenate7@gmail.com

Provided by Former Supporters of Dan Kalb.